Arrival At Campsite

Day 1: Camping at Kejimkujik National Park

This is a trip I have been looking forward for a long time. My first camping trip for 2014 at Kejimkujik National Park. The day before the trip I learned they may be raining on the first day. I decided to buy myself a tarp so I can cook in the rain if needed. During my arrival, I was a few hours early before I was allowed to set up my campsite. I decide to explore the Merrymakedge Beach to kill some time. read more

Creative Millwork & Design

Dartmouth Cove Art Mural Project

I enjoy the fact that I’m living in Dartmouth. We have all this beautiful artwork downtown. On the Dartmouth Harbourwalk Trail, there are four buildings that contain artwork. The project started in summer 2007 with the support of Waterfront Development, Downtown Dartmouth and Halifax Regional Municipality. The above artwork is by Christian Toth, Omen 514, Foes, Fuze and DFA Crew. read more